Filebars  for wood drawers  


we supply 2 main types of file bar solutions for wood drawers

type #1 clip on bars      type #2 "riser plates" with slip in bars  


Type #1 clip on bars for wood drawers


measure the inside dimension of the wood drawer &  simply clip on the clips & slip in the bars

 to see how to install click on number 1 to 9 below

typical wood drawer with no file rails
       1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9      


Type #2 "riser plate" with slip in bars 




1 measure inside length of drawer

2 install riser plate in each end

3 slip bars into riser plate

Click on 1 to 12 below to see how to install


Typical wood drawer
       1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10  

 11    12