,FR key,SL key ,T key ,W key,HW key,UM key ,k key,LL key ,K key ,ML key ,



Lowest honest Prices ,$3 & up

Replacement keys for your file cabinet or office furniture


If you need keys for a file cabinet

or other office furniture

just contact us with the key #

by email ,phone or Fax

and we can supply new keys for you

just send us your list ,

no need to fill out forms for each key !


 (usually within a few hours ,not including shipping)

Our goal is to get you the right key the 1st time

to do this we may ask you for more information about you cabinet



for parts partsguy407@hotmail.com




for keys keyorder@hotmail.ca






 the lock


This can be difficult

sometimes using baby powder or white out can help highlight the numbers

a flashlight & magnifying glass are good

Reminder ; because locks turn

1/2 the time the number is upside down





Here are some examples 




Lock #  FR411 this is a good number and we can cut your keys with no problems  



K213  Unfortunately 6 different companies use the same K number

 for 6 totally different keys that will not work for each other

Please go to our "K " Number page

or try going to our Knoll Reff page




2 companies use this number for totally different keys ,

we would need to know if the key is "single sided" or Double sided"





Many different companies use a plain 3 digit code for their key # s and the keys are totally different

Usually we will send out the most common key (that works 90% of the time )

If it does not work you can return it




knowing the brand of the cabinet  

or if the cabinet is wood or metal

helps you get the right key the 1st time  

knowing if the key is      "single " sided              or                           "double" sided                 helps



common problems ordering keys


common lock problems